Factorial Designs & Analysis

Lecture Audio Files

Study Questions & Quiz Prep Audio Files


Lecture Materials
SPSS Handouts

Feb 26

Intro to
Factorial Desigs

PPT pdf

Factorial Effects

Feb 28


PPT pdf

Main Efffects
Feb 28
Factorial Designs: Programmatic research
& RH:

Selecting Simple Effects

Mar 1
No Class!
Mar 4
"Basic" 2x2 Factorial ANOVA
Mar 6
"Advanced" 2x2 BG Factorial ANOVA

Mar 8

kxk BG Factorial Designs & ANOVA

Mar 11-15 Spring Break
Mar 18
3-way Factorial Designs

Mar 20

3-way ANOVA
Mar 22
MG & WG Factorial Designs & ANOVA

Factorial Types


Hw#13 data

Mar 25

Prep for Quiz #2: Essays

Mar 27

Mar 29
No Class

Prep for Quiz #2: Story Problems

Quiz 2a
Mar 27 - Apr 2

Quiz 2b
Mar 28 - Apr 2

Quiz #2 will be administered a little differently!

The Essays will be conducted in the DLC Testing Center -- sign up as
usual, go over there, sign the first page & answer one of each pair of Essays,

The Story Problems will be taken "remotely"." When you're ready, from
wherever you like, open up the "Q2a Story Problem Blue Thing", sign the first
page, and complete each part of the quiz.

Each evening I'll grade the Quizzes taken that day
and post the updated Online Gradebook. After it is graded you can review the
quuiz by following this Mobius handout !

Please don't use the Canvas "Grades" to look at your Quiz grades!! It doesn't
score things properly, it won't let you see your answers and the feedback, etc.
Please use the Online Gradebook to see scores for each Quiz section and
your overall Quiz grade and use the Mobius handout to go into Mobius and
see all parts of your quiz, answers, feedback, etc .

If you want to improve your Quiz 2 score -- you can take Quiz 2b!!
You should NOT take Quiz 2b until Quiz 2a is graded and you have had an opporunity
to review it, ask questions if you like, etc. So, I recommend you don't put off taking
Quiz 2a until the end of the testing period!

If you decide to take Quiz 2b, you can choose to retake just the section(s) you want to. These sections are: essay section (you must answer all 4 essays), 2x2 Factorial, 2xk Factorial, 3-way.

Your grade for the Quiz will be based on your best score on each section of the
Quiz. If you take a section of Quiz 2b and do poorer than you did on that section of
Quiz 2a, your score on that section of the quiz will be taken from Quiz1a.

Quiz 21Grade
Your final grade for Quiz 2 will be based on the highest score for each
section of the exam

Essays(60pts), 2x2 Factorial Problem (20pts),
2xk Factorial Problem (20pts), 3-way Factorial Problem (20pts)