
Quiz #3 Lecture Files



Lecture Topic





Intro to GLM


Intro GLM
But of history

Kinds of Variables

Plotting Models

Coding & Centering

Nonlinear Predictors

 Nonlinear Components

Squared-Centered Quadratic Term

Example of Nonlinear Components


Interpretation Review

2-grp Dummy Coding

2-grp Effect Coding

k-grp Dummy Coding

K-group Effect Coding

Comparison codes

Example of Coding Binary Variables

Example of Coding Categorical Variables

Linear Main Effects Models

Coding & Interpretation Review

Plotting a Single Quantitative Predictor

Plotting a Binary Predictor
Plotting a k-category Predictor
Plotting the 2xQ Model

Plotting the kxQ Model

Plotting the QxQ Model

Nonlinear & Complex Main Effects Models

Quadratic models

Plotting the 2xQ Non-linear Model

Plotting the kxQ Non-linear Model

Plotting the QxQ Non-Linear Model

Plotting Complex Models

Intro to 2xQ Models

Sources & Versions

2xQ Main effects models

2xQ with Interactions

Weights & Interpretations

What the significance tests do and don’t tell us

kXQ Models

Sources & Versions

kxQ Main effects models

kxQ with Interactions

What the significance tests do and don’t tell us

QxQ Models

Sources & Versions

QxQ Main effects models

QxQ with Interactions
What the significance tests do and don’t tell us


ANCOVA & Friends


3 Cases of ANCOVA & Correction

Graphical Version of ANCOVA