Cal’s “Computators

Named in honor of Marvin the Martian


Use these to avoid having to hand-calculate things !!!



Up to 6x6 X² Text of Independence OR 6-cell Goodness of fit X²


Computes various kinds of Spearman-Brown Prophesy Formula & Correction for Attenuation estimates


Bartlett’s X²

Test for “number of Factors” decisions



Computes Summary Stats for Path Analyses and Model comparison test (Q)


Confidence Intervals


CIs for 1 mean, mean differences and correlation


Effect Sizes


Computes d & r for ANOVA (Omnibus & Pairwise tests) and X² (2x2 & kxk)



Computes v and lambda values to apply to Cohen’s power table for full models and nested model comparisons



Computes a variety of r and R² comparison tests



Computes simple effect models and plotting points for various regression models with interactions


Pairwise Comparisons

Computes LSD and HSD values for various ANOVA models