the Transition to College: Understanding the Mediating Factors of Trait Anxiety
A series of
regression analyses were run to examine the direct and indirect relationships
between trait anxiety and age, total social support, gender, group, marital
status, social desirability stress, family separation, loneliness, and
depression. Figure 1 shows the full model with the regression weights and
residual error, and Table1 shows correlations of the variable in the model. The
full model accounted for 56.1% of the variance in trait anxiety with social
desirability, stress, loneliness, and depression having significant direct
effects and depression having the major contribution. Age had an indirect
effect on trait anxiety via group and loneliness, social desirability, social
desirability and loneliness, social desirability and depression, stress, stress
and loneliness, and stress and depression. Total social support had an indirect
effect on trait anxiety via loneliness, stress, stress and loneliness,
depression, and stress and depression. Gender had an indirect effect on trait
anxiety via depression
hypothesized model includes a direct effect of family separation, loneliness,
and depression, in addition to an indirect effect of age on trait anxiety via
family separation, group and loneliness, and marital status and loneliness; an
indirect effect of total social support on trait anxiety via loneliness,
depression, stress and loneliness, and stress and depression; and an indirect
effect of social desirability on trait anxiety via loneliness. The hypothesized
model accounted for 52.4% of the variance in trait anxiety, see Figure 2. As
hypothesized family separation, loneliness and depression had significant
direct effects on trait anxiety with depression having the largest
contribution. Total social support had an indirect effect on trait anxiety via
loneliness, depression, stress and loneliness, and stress and depression; age
had an indirect effect on trait anxiety via family separation, and group and
loneliness. However, contrary to the research hypothesis gender was not
significantly related to social desirability or stress, as well as marital
status not significantly contributing to loneliness. However this model did not
perform as well as the full model, Q=0.703,
W=133.397, p<.001.
A trimmed
model that only included significant paths from the full model was also tested.
The trimmed model accounted for 55.0% of the variance in trait anxiety, see
Figure 3. All significant pathways from the full model remained significant
after removing non-significant pathways and the trimmed model performed as well
as the full model, Q=0.946, W=21.442, p=.432.
Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Full
Path Model Hypothesized
Path Model Reduced
Path Model Correlation