Welcome to the V.A.M.P. lab Vision, Attention, Memory, & Perception |
Research in the VAMP lab is carried out in one of two locations. Mike Dodd's primary secure lab space is made up of three rooms in the basement of Burnett Hall. Rooms 13 and 14 in Burnett Hall are taken up by an Eyelink 2 eye monitoring system (SR Research) which is the center for a number of projects that are central to both VAMP lab and other collaborative endeavors with various folks at UNL (a number of current eyetracking studies are outlined on the Research page). The Eyelink Host Computer is housed in room 14 such that researchers can monitor subject performance and the Eyelink Display Computer is housed in room 13 (Room 13 also has an additional workstation with a joystick and touchscreen monitor for additional data collection related to eyetracking studies). Rooms 13 and 14 (thanks to UNL Graduate Student Becky Harris for modelling the eyetracker)
Room 15 Burnett (excuse the mess) Room 15 acts as a research office for all students/volunteers working in the VAMP lab. It consists of three workstations for serious work (or hours of wasted time on youtube, facebook, or whatever else folks do when I'm upstairs in my office). Room 15 is also the main administrative area for data storage.
Room 74 Burnett Testing Suite In addition to the VAMP lab secure space, a number of our behavioral studies are carried out across the hall in Room 74. Room 74 is a testing suite that is shared by various members of the psychology department and is well suited to mass behavioral data collection. Room 74 is divided into two large test rooms each consisting of 3 workstations for group data collection and four individual testing rooms for individual data collection (an additional room is being renovated which will have two more workstations for group testing). I have outfitted a few of the computers in Room 74 with touch screen overlays and joysticks so this is the area where we do most of our data collection for non-eyetracking behavioral studies (which encompass attention, memory, perception, and motor studies).
*In addition to the on-campus facilities, we occasionally run studies which require remote data collection and we have a number of laptops at our disposal for such situations (e.g. testing of elderly adults who can not make it in to the lab)...I didn't think these really warranted a picture though. |