Welcome to the V.A.M.P. lab

Vision, Attention, Memory, & Perception

The Man In Charge (wielding power with an iron fist)

Principal Investigator: Mike Dodd

Mike did his graduate work at the University of Toronto under the joint supervision of Professors Colin MacLeod and Jay Pratt. Upon obtaining his Ph.D. in 2005, Mike became a Killam postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia working in the lab of Professor Alan Kingstone and collaborating with Professors Jim Enns and Todd Handy. He joined the University of Nebraska - Lincoln faculty in the fall of 2007 where he conducts research on vision, attention, memory, and perception (hence the lab acronym).

Mike's CV can be found HERE (Updated 8/20/2012)


Students (Graduate, Thesis, UCARE, and otherwise)



Mark Mills : Graduate student

Mark did his undergraduate work at Oakland University in Detroit, Michigan where he worked with Christine and Ranald Hansen on projects related to emotion and face perception, Autism, and action identification. Currently, his main line of work investigates task-related factors governing eye movement control during real-world scene viewing, such as how different task instructions influence oculomotor kinematics and scanning strategies, how strategies in one viewing task (such as whether to rely on “internal” or “external” memory stores) affect strategies and task performance when changing tasks (i.e., visual task switching), and how all these things evolve and change over a viewing period. Another line of work is concerned with the interface of attention and emotion, particularly as it relates to individual differences and social behavior.


Gerald McDonnell: Graduate student

Gerald did his undergraduate work at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio where he worked with Dr. Christian End, a social psychologist that specializes in sport fan behavior. He was involved in various projects examining such things as the impact of sport memories on affective states, competencies, and performance. Gerald is currently interested in a number of cognitive principles, specifically, perception, memory, and attention.







Leslie McCuller : Graduate student

Leslie is a fourth year graduate student who has just transitioned into the VAMP lab after completing her Master's work. She is primarily interested in memory, embodied cognition, attention, and perception





Grant Langdon: UCARE student

Grant is starting his first year as a UCARE Student. He recently transferred from Southeast Community College, and his majors are Psychology and Mathematics; his interests center around the cognition of Mathematics.






Mitch McCann : UCARE student

Brandon Gore : UCARE student

Apparently both of these students are from parts unknown, no photographic evidence exists confirming them to be real beings




Current undergraduate volunteers (all incredibly valuable and appreciated, but apparently not enough to be deemed blurb-worthy by Mike...maybe if they're still here next term!)
Jordan Valla
Jordan Wheeler
Laura Klein
Michael Mahnken

Nur Ahmad Hussin
Casey Schwee
Ahmad Araseef
Aaron Martinez

UNL Graduate students currently collaborating on projects in the lab (or planning to shortly)

Kate Walsh, Renu Thomas, Silvina Salvi, Eric Shanks, Mike Gruszczynski


Lab alumni

Past undergraduate students (thesis and/or UCARE): Sarah Burghaus, Dillon Cornett, Kristin Divis, David Dugger, Jordan Grubaugh. Arianne Holland, Scott Jarecke, Aaron Keck, Alex Knezevic, Billy Kuehn, Scott McLean, Charles Voigt, Noah Weiss, Thomas Zimmer

Past undergraduate volunteers: Audie Aguilar, Dustan Ahrens, Elaine Arrington, Alyssa Bakulski, David Boe, Andrea Coleman, Arity Dickerson, Rachel Dorn, Angie Dunn, Erika Franta, Anne Gates, Jacob Griess, Elizabeth Grimes, Katie Harris, Allison Havekost, Danielle Henery, Kristina Huber, Brittany Jones, Daina Keehn, Brian Keiser, Michael Killingsworth, Rebecca Kreis, Brett Lahm, Aaron Lightner, Shauna Lindstedt, Samantha Lunde, Luke Meier, Jeff Meyer, Alli Morton, Kevin Moser, Ellen Muehling, Patrick Mumm, Andrew Neal, Jayden Nord, Cody Nordhues, Jacob Nordhues, Jude Olney, Daley Porter, Jamie Porter, David Raybine, Olivia Reinert-Gehman, Marissa Roney, Zach Rupiper, Marisa Ruwe, Danae Schufeldt, Brea Smith, Lyndsey Stessman, Karli Suarez, Kristin Swenson, Taylor Thomsen, Kelsey Tieken, Kylee Twomey, Austin Wehrwein, Brooke Wissler, Alec Wong