
Quiz #1: Basic Research Methods & Design

Study Questions for Quiz #1

Quiz #1 MP3 Lecture Files

Study Question Review Audio Files


Have these handouts for class

Pink Things*
Orange Things**
Aug 21

Welcome to Psyc941 !!
tours & introductions


Aug 23
Intro to Course
Aug 25
Intent, Knowledge, Hypotheses, Process & Validity

Research Hypotheses

Validity Types

Aug 28

External Validity

Wed & Fri
Aug 30 - Sep 1
Internal Validity

We will not be meeting together for lecture
Wednesday, August 30. Here's the plan...
Please review the ppt (and maybe listen
to the audio files) so that you have some
familiarity with the material.
Then, on Friday, we'll spend our time together looking carefully at the "most important stuff".
I suggest putting off the Pink Things until after Friday's lecture.

Internal Validity

Controls & Confounds

Sep 4
Labor Day - go celebrate !!
Sep 6
Research Design
Hypo & Designs

Design Summary

IVs, Dvs & Confounds
Sep 9
Research Process & Data Collection

Participant Processes

Data Collection

Mon & Wed
Sep 11 & 13
Quiz #1 Review

Study Question Review Audio Files

Quiz #1 Demos
Practice Story Problems 1a & 1b




Sep 15
No Class -- work on Quiz #1

Quiz 1a
Sep 13-19

Quiz 1b
Sep 14-19

Quiz #1 will be available in DLC Testing Center.

You must take both sections of Quiz 1a during one visit to the Testing Center,
within these dates.
You can not take different sections of the Exam during different "visits" or "sittings."

After the DLC closes each evening I'll grade the Quizzess taken that day
and post the updated
Online Gradebook. After it is graded you can review the
quuiz by following this
Mobius handout!

Please don't use the Canvas "Grades" to look at your Quiz grades!! It doesn't score
things properly, it won't let you see your answers and the feedback, etc. Please use the

Online Gradebook to see scores for each Quiz section and your overall Quiz grade and use
Mobius handout to go into Mobius and see all parts of your quiz, answers, feedback, etc.

If you want to improve your Quiz 1 score -- you can Quiz 1b!!
You should NOT take Quiz 1b until Quiz 1a is graded and you have had an opporunity
to review it, ask questions if you like, etc. So, I recommend you don't put off taking
Quiz 1a until the end of the testing period!

If you decide to take Quiz 1b, you can choose to retake just the
essay section, just the story probem section, or take
both sections. If you retake a section of the Quiz you must retake the entire
section (i.e., answer all 4 essays questions, or answer
all the questions in the story problems)..

Your grade for the Quiz will be based on your best score on each section of the Quiz. If you
take a section of Quiz 1b and do more poorly than you did on that section of Quiz 1a, your score on that section of the quiz will be taken from Quiz1a.

Sep 19 will be the last day to complete Unit 1 Pink Things for points

Testing Center Webpage

You must have your UNL ID with you to enter the DLC Testing Center !!!!!

* Pink Things give you practice with key elements of the content and processes we are studying. You
are expected to complete these exercises after the material related to each has been
presented (ideally before the next lecture), so you have learned the informaton and can build on it!).

** Orange Things are taken from multiple Pink Things and give you an
oportunity to "notice how things go together" and to give you bit more practice with key
elements! You are expected to complete these before trying the Quiz #1 Story Problem